Prior to the start of the semester I didn't quite know what to expect from the subject except that it's leaning more towards Education rather than English. In other words, it's nothing like most of the English subjects I actually enjoy - like literature.
This subject isn't one of my favorites. Don't get me wrong, though, I didn't loathe it. But I wasn't exactly chuffed to bits whenever I attended classes.
Maybe the reason why I didn't get to appreciate this class very much is my is my lack of passion, or desire, for teaching. I'm not saying I don't ever want to be teacher, but if ever I do take that path I would want to teach literature rather than teach language. I think I'd have more credibility teaching literature because it's something I actually care about.
But I digress.
There's nothing I can think of that is memorable from my time in this class other than my realization that teaching is definitely my last resort as a career.
I'm just glad I got through this class and I won't ever have to go through it again.
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