RESPONSIBILITY - I have plenty of it on my plate this semester, especially the weeks leading up to the prelim exams. Where do I even start in listing those responsibilities when I have so much?
I'll just start with the biggest and longest one: being the Editor-in-chief/group leader for our newsletter publication for Journalism class. I'm guessing my group mates chose me to be the leader because of my experiences as a campus journalist, though I've never actually gone as far as being the EIC. Also, they probably think that I can do it, so it is up to me to not let them down.
My responsibilities include collecting funds for getting our materials printed, assigning tasks, editing materials, and making sure every member on my staff in The Catalyst does her job.
The idea of naming our publication The Catalyst came when I was thinking of something cool and creative Linkin Park has come with. I ended up with the simplest of their song titles. And although I thought of calling our publication "Iridescence" - derived from the band's song "Iridescent" - I didn't want any issue with pronunciation.
This is a responsibility tagged on me for an entire semester. Thankfully, I have members I know I can rely on to step up.
While I'm on the topic of being a leader of a group for an entire semester, I found myself being the head of a four-member group for my English for Specific Purposes class. This one I'm not too happy about because this class is one that I, frankly, do not like, with its implications that it'll helpful if I become a teacher. Bah, humbug!
My other upcoming responsibilities include attending events for our university's foundation day (for "journalistic" purposes), writing an article for Gasera, working on requirements, and writing for personal project.
This is a lot more than I can normally handle, but maybe this is m chance to do some growing up... you know, that whole being mature and stuff. I know that I have A LOT of growing up to do, and sometimes I refuse to, like I'm Holden Caulfield or something. But the time has come to become a responsible adult, and I better seize the chance.