Saturday, October 16, 2010

GLEE Hits a Serious Note with "Grilled Cheesus"

The "Grilled Cheesus" episode of Glee got me to reflect on life and the concept of God and faith. Most people know me as an agnostic, but lately I've warmed up to the idea of there being a higher power, one that is too great for me to fathom. I realized that life has too many ineffable events and us human beings will not always be able explain them. I acknowledge the existence of a being that is too great for any one of us to describe with certainty.

I no longer object to the concept of a deity. I am just appalled by the self-righteous organized system of belief and its double standards, their "you're with us or against us" mindset. If my disgust towards religion is arrogant, then that's fine by me. I'm as arrogant as the people who condemn those who don't believe in God the way the former do. They're the same people who refuse to meet reality halfway with their outdated - not to mention narrow-minded - way of thinking, the same people who say you are doomed for eternity if you don't conform to what they say.

Should I believe in a God whose followers insist on discriminating against people because of their sexuality or their way of thinking that leans a little more towards science? I would rather believe in a God that knows no sexuality and forgives all sins. I would rather believe in a God who is more pleased when his followers help the poor or take care of the Earth and the ones that live in it rather than spending an hour in a scripted ritual that has been done for millenia.

I may not believe in the God that Catholics talk about, but I believe in the goodness of man. I believe in love. And maybe these things came from a being greater than all of us.

Now, if you haven't scene the episode I am referring to in this blog, check out this YouTube video I found. Maybe after watching these scenes, Christians will be more respectful towards atheists and agnostics.


1 comment:

  1. Well .. They DO make Real Jesus Toasters.

    Very cool indeed. You might want one for yourself.

    Thank you
