Friday, October 22, 2010

Stories of The Semester: Anthro 3 - Cultural Anthropology

The thing that stands out the most from my memories from this class is the almost-12-hours-or-more my group mates and I spent finishing our term paper. We spend almost the entire day at my friend Ruth's boarding house until we had to spend the night at my house. We finished at around 5 or 6 a.m. the following day. During the classes we had for that Monday we were so stressed and sleepily that people were so concerned about us and we could hardly pay attention to what was going on in our classes.

That day - the memory of it - stands out to me because it's the first time I ever worked so hard for something school-related. This experience was a reality check for me that when the time comes I really have to step up my game when it comes to my academics.

And as for the subject itself, I guess I can say that I liked it. I didn't loathe or dread it, but it's not exactly my absolutely favorite subject. If I were to describe the subject in one word, it would be "interesting." I can definitely say that I know more about culture now than I did back then.

But above all, I now know that every time there's a major requirement to attend to then I always, always need to bring my A game.

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