Thursday, March 11, 2010

American Idol Top 16: Guys' Night

Tonight's performances from the guys can be best described as STRONG. I loved most of the performances and because of that, my initial predictions seem to be shifting. 

Here are my thoughts:

  • Lee DeWyze made me love "Fireflies". I'm on Team DeWyze all the way, baby!
  • I really want to root for Alex Lambert, but this week he just didn't "wow" me enough. I'd like to believe that he can grow his confidence; however, the spots for guys are only six and I'm not quite sure if there's one open for him.
  • ... Which brings me to the sudden "realization" that Tim Urban could snag himself a spot in the Top 12 with his rendition of "Hallelujah". Song's one of my favorites and I did Tim did the song justice.
  • Andrew Garcia's not have a good live performance... for the panel at least. But, for me, I think he's really trying his best. The judges keep referring to his "Straight Up" rendition during Hollywood week and I think there lies the problem on both sides: the judges expect TOO much from Andrew and Andrew just peeked too early. Tonight I kind of doubted his chances of making it to the Top 12, but then again it's a voting system. Andrew's got a strong fan base and I think that could give him the upper hand.
  • Casey James... man, you bored me this week. Now I remember why I wasn't such a fan in the first place.
  • I'm not an Aaron Kelly fan, but I do admit that I see a lot of potential in the kid.
  • As for Todrick Hall, I was SURPRISED. He may have snagged a spot for himself on the Top 12 based on his performance tonight.
  • Michael Lynche's performance... wow, I didn't know what to make of that. Honestly, I wasn't paying full attention to the song so I didn't quite understand why Kara was in tears. Maybe if I listen back to the performance and maybe try to get into the essence of the song, I'll know why. Big Mike's GOOD, I gotta say. He got that whole r n' b, soul thing going on and with songs like he's been singing the past two weeks, I think he'll do well.

So, the performances are over. The results aren't in yet. But now I would like to give my Top 12 (in no particular order) based on overall performance and personal favor towards the contestant (after all, this is a personal blog):

Lee DeWyze
Andrew Garcia
Michael Lynche
Aaron Kelly
Casey James (not a fan, but he's been doing well)
(The last spot I'm hesitant about. Based on tonight's performances, it could actually go to anyone. However, I'm REALLY hoping it's going to be...) Alex Lambert

Crystal Bowersox
Lilly Scott
Siobhan Magnus
Didi Benami (she redeemed herself with that last performance)
Lacey Brown (only because she redeemed herself with her last performance)
Katelyn Epperly (her last performance was too disappointing, however, she's got more chance than Paige Miles and Katie Stevens do)

Then again, I must reiterate: the show has a voting system, which means that I can formulate all the predictions and biases I want but it all goes down to the results of the votes.

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