Thursday, March 11, 2010

When you say "no" too much...

"I thought if I said 'yes' to things, and got involved with people, then sooner or later they'd find out I'm not good enough." (from the movie "Yes Man")

It's okay to build a personal guard to keep yourself from getting hurt by other people. When you've been badly hurt, it's understandable if you put up your guard. But then again, you got another thing coming if someone wants to come in to your life and suddenly see that you built your guard too high up. As a matter of fact it's no longer just a fence to let people know their limits; you've built a cage around yourself that no one - not even you - can easily get in or out.

Recently I've come to realize that I've actually trapped myself in a cage known as my "personal guard". Bad experiences in the field of love made me distrust guys. Now someone's chipping off pieces of that cage by being friends with me. As a matter of fact, our friendship's platonic. Furthermore, that's not my point. Now I'm immensely hesitant about saying "yes" to life's opportunities handed to me.

The conversations I recently had with the mentioned friend made me realize that I say "no" to life too much. As a result, I end up with "what if" and "maybe I should have..." as lines of thought. I don't say "yes" to life and in the end, I don't experience its joys and thrills. 

Maybe it's time for me to start saying "yes". I need to stop over-analyzing and over-rationalizing to the point that I become irrational. I need to start saying "yes" to life.


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