Monday, March 15, 2010

As the first half of my college life comes to an end...

Last night I was flipping through the channels on TV and for some reason I decided to settle for Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian's reality show. The episode involved a storyline where Khloe was afraid of establishing a romantic relationship with her platonic friend Omarion. Coincidentally, the episode was similar to what I've been feeling lately. I know the feeling Khloe had of building a high personal guard that shuts out any guy who want to have some form of special relationship. I know her feeling of being "self-destructive" because of bad past experiences.

But then I think about how Khloe's the first of the Kardashian sisters to put a ring on it. In the episode, she dreaded that she'll end up alone if she kept up her "defense mechanism" and distrust towards men. However, if you fast forward to her life now, she's in love and happily married. To me, that story is inspirational. It even sort of gives me hope.


On a somehow connected note/memoir, earlier today I went to lunch with my friends Ruth and James in a little cafe run by a former Louisian (who graduated as an English major) and his girlfriend. What's interesting is that the paradigm got me thinking about my own life. During our meal, I observed the couple and I thought maybe someday I'd like to have what they have: the company of a trustworthy person, great job, and the comfort of being well off. It was a lovely thought but at the same time it was a little bit scary. It's admirable how these fresh graduates were able to do something in less than a year after they finished their studies (even if they engaged in business though neither of them studied business in college).

I want something close to what they have. Even if lately I'm beginning to realize than being an English major does not offer very promising careers in the future, I still want to do something in my life. I even said today that maybe someday I'd like to open a cafe that's partly a book shop. I also said random things about the future.

Honestly, I've been a bit scared about the future. I'm halfway through finishing my college life and more and more I am unsure about what I will do after I graduate. My future seems bleak, frankly speaking.

The most admirable thing about lunch today was how two young people have each other to start their lives as adult. Sure, what they're doing is not necessarily connected to what they took up during college, but I don't think they're in any hurry to pursue careers related to English or Psychology. The simplicity of this couple's love and friendship pretty much gave me a reality check: I can't totally lose faith in love and in myself. I don't have to be afraid of the unknown things or events in the future.

As Jim Sturgess sings in his version of "Revolution", "You know it's gonna be alright... alright... alright..." Things in my life are gonna be alright.

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